There are so many fun, new, and exciting things that I'm learning about my new life as a wife. I love Duane for so many reasons--other than just his stellar good looks and his super charming personality:). I want to always remember these sweet things I'm learning and never forget the reason I fell in love in the first place:
(our very first photo: Christmas 2007)
1. He always places his faith in the Lord before all. Whether it be through tithing, having our quiet time together, or being an example to his friends in everyday life-- Jesus Christ is the most important thing to him and he always makes sure that shows.
2. He is my BEST friend. Basically me being away from all friends and family was a huge stress factor for me when we got engaged. Knowing that even though I loved Duane more than anything, I knew we would probably always live in Chattanooga, unless the Lord provided otherwise. That was perfectly fine with me, because I will follow my husband wherever he feels like the Lord leads us-- BUT it was REALLY hard for me knowing I was so far away from my foundation. Duane completely makes me feel like I am the ONLY person in his world. We laugh, we cry, we fight, we goof off, we act like little kids-- he fills the void for me that always comes between visits with my family and friends. I want to be with him always and when he's not around-- something is missing--something pretty my heart.
3. He makes me LAUGH more than ANYONE I've every met in my ENTIRE life. Whether or not he's making jokes or just being goofy-- I can laugh at that boy NONSTOP-- all day everyday.
4. Duane CANNOT dance. I mean, can't keep a beat if his life depended on it. And for those of you who know me, dancing is one of my favorite things to do. So, naturally I've always thought I would marry someone who shared that same interest. Man, does the Lord have a sense of humor! After loads of coaxing, when Duane starts to dance (which he would never do in front of his friends or anyone else for that matter)--it is one of the funniest, and one of the most endearing things about him!
5. He ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS, sings along to the songs on the radio-- but in a very unique kind of Duane way. He thinks it's a lot more fun to make up his own words. I never end up knowing the correct lyrics to any songs....only what I can hear Duane making up at the top of his lungs-- and when he finishes, looking at me with total satisfaction and accomplishment.
6. Duane has some of the most unique and interesting sound effects I've ever heard. If we're watching a movie and there's an explosion or a gunshot, you better believe he's going to turn to me directly after the sound and with exact pitch, depth, length, volume and repeat the sound with his mouth. Sometimes, if it ends up being a cool sound that he's good at, he will continue to repeat the sound, over and over...and over (especially if I laugh!).
7. It never fails. If I've worked out really hard and I'm really sore for some reason or another, Duane always ends up slapping or pinching that muscle group somehow, all in "good fun." He'll grab the top of my leg, or slap my behind, or pinch the back of my arm. And then after my exclamation of pain and's that flippin cute little kid voice that I can't help but laugh at that screams, "I sorry I sorry I sorry I sorry! I didn't know!"
8. The fact that he doesn't understand why I have to scoot all the way to his side, leaving him just a few inches before he falls off the bed. If he would just stay towards the middle I could feel him next to me and I wouldn't have to scoot all the way over there in the first place. It's his fault.
9. How he ALWAYS wants me to scratch his back.
10. If he doesn't like a certain food, for example, whip cream, and they put it on his cookies and cream milkshake at Steak and Shake, he acts like they put a freakin iguana on his ice cream. It's the end of the world and I MUST get it off before he can eat it. Poor thing.
11. When he's really hungry, he dips his head and shovels.
12. My hair is naturally curly, so when it gets wet, it gets super huge and super curly. Therefore he has coined the nickname for me, Annie. I'm the little orphan with no home...until he saved me of course!
13. He always has to have socks on. It's this weird foot thing he has going on. He can't walk around barefoot and he can't sleep without them on. He says he can't stand how the covers feel when the rub against his feet. Haha...(he was miserable in this picture)
14. I love how he treats our puppies like his little girls. He calls us his three girls and when they run up to him, he'll say things like-- "Hi my little princesses!" He'll be a great dad.
15. He will absolutely go out of his way to do anything for anybody-- his friends, strangers, family, etc. He is so tender-hearted. If I wasn't his wife, I'd want him as a friend.
16. Whenever something is broken-- whether it be the kitchen sink or they can't find the right size wrench or something on the race car or the air pump for the air mattress-- he and his friends (Jamie, Jonny, Wes, Cody, etc....) will work on it and work on it and work on it until they've solved the problem. We hire no handy man here. We've got that covered.
17. He loves wheels. Cars, cars, cars, trucks, motorcycles, dirtbikes, racecars-- you name it and he loves and knows how to fix it and make it better than it already is. Last October, right before we got engaged, my car blew up. Literally I was driving down the road and my car jolts and I look in my rearview mirror and there's gray smoke filling up the road from my tailpipe. I immediately call Duane of course and he comes to the rescue. Duane spent an entire month completely stripping my motor and rebuilding it. Parts ended up costing my dad about $800. When we looked up the cost of the motor job at the Mazda dealership-- it was around $4000. So I think that's what sealed the deal for my dad :) He knows his stuff when it comes to cars and it comes in really handy for the friends and family (and wife) that he loves. See item #15.
18. Let's stay on the topic of cars. He has this racecar. Now, I don't mind the time that he spends working on it or working on his friend's cars- BUT when he pulls out on the race track, my heart drops into my stomach. He loves it and I enjoy supporting him in something he loves-- but I could kill Jonny Hughes for getting him so involved! BUT i do have to admit that he's so cute when he puts on that little fire suit and helmet and jumps into dink. I just want to pinch his cheeks! :)
19. He has an amazing family. Everyone I've ever met from either side of his family have been so fun, so inviting, so sweet. They are just like mine and that is always something I've prayed for in a husband.
20. He's my hero. My everything. My life. My love. My best friend. Thank you Lord. I am blessed.
I'm sure there are more to come soon, but this is what I could think of just off the top of my head:) I love you, Duane. I'll always be yours.
Love, Annie :)
Whit, I'm so thankful you found such a special person! When Jeremy and I got married, someone gave us a cross-stiched picture that read "Happiness is being married to your best friend." That is so true! Congratualtions and may God continue to bless you and your sweety all the days of your lives!Jeremy and I are so proud of you. Love you! Hillery